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Build it on Congregation-Owned Land: Inland Abundant Housing Launches in 2024

Writer's picture: Gene BoutilierGene Boutilier

Inland Abundant Housing

This is the season for progress! A new beginning! Starting in 2024, Housing Claremont is launching an action movement, “Inland Abundant Housing,” devoted to encouraging congregations to create very affordable deed-restricted permanent housing and supportive services on their properties all over the Pomona Valley. For years advocates have sought opportunities for these developments. State laws and public will- power that we sought for years are emerging in recent times. Lawmakers gave us new incentives, substantial relief from endless review and litigation delays, greater certainty on the timing and likelihood of planning approvals. Let’s build!

        “The era of saying ‘no’ to housing is coming to an end,” –State Senator Wiener”

Together we will collaborate with pro-housing lawmakers and partners to enact additional new laws and unleash new funding for the housing and services that end homelessness. We will campaign together on housing-related November 2024 ballot measures. Now is the new era to make it faster, easier, and less costly to fund and build homes for residents of all income levels and to protect and balance the economic needs of tenants and small-scale landlords.

Housing Claremont Action Initiative | Inland Abundant Housing

Both "Housing Claremont" and "Inland Abundant Housing" are action initiatives of "The Housing and Homelessness Collaborative of Claremont." We are a donor-supported 501.c.3. tax exempt nonprofit collaborative of volunteers that advocates for building more homes at all levels of affordability to help alleviate California’s housing shortage, displacement, and affordability crisis. Passionate housing supporters brought together by Joe Lyons, Jed Leano,  Jennifer Stark and Zach Courser got us started, and for five years we have called on Claremont to do it’s fair share.

With deep gratitude to our immediate past president, Ilsa Lund, who continues in our leadership, we begin 2024 with a newly elected President, Rev. Gene Boutilier.

Together we will promote good will and the support of neighbors and the public for purpose-built high-quality multi-family housing projects in Claremont. We will welcome new homes at appropriate opportunity sites near jobs and transit, including those funded to house very low income tenants.

That work continues. Sign up with us as a housing supporter, even if you were already getting our messages. (No dues, although donations are welcome.)



Housing Claremont | Inland Abundant Housing

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©2024 by The Housing and Homeless Collaborative of Claremont, "Housing Claremont" and "Inland Abundant Housing" 

This organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in California. Contributions to Housing Claremont and Inland Abundant Housing are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax identification number is 61-1915017

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